What attributes and values are you passing when you click a checkbox or radio button? Let's learn the different scenarios! Also learn some ASP.NET form processing!
Read MoreUnderstanding Checkbox and Radio Button Attributes and ASP.NET Form Processing
Learn how to easily align labels and textboxes in forms using Flexbox. Create responsive, maintainable, and visually appealing layouts with simple CSS rules
Read MoreHow to align labels and textboxes using Flexbox
Here's a simple to-do list app or task manager in .NET Blazor PWA, using JavaScript interop to access local storage, while demonstrating checkbox event handling.
Read MoreA Simple ToDo App in Blazor with JS Interop | A Beginner Project
Learn how to quickly validate Blazor forms with data annotation. Then, learn to implement your own custom validation - implementing ValidationAttribute.
Read MoreTwo Ways to Validate Blazor Forms: Data Annotations and Custom Validation
The White House's claim that usage of unmanaged language like C/C++ is a national security concern is unfounded and outdated. Let me explain why.
Read MoreDebunking the Myth: C++ and Cybersecurity Concerns
Learn how to traverse a given directory path and its subdirectories in C#. Then, build a JSON string that represents the tree structure, and return that value.
Read MoreHow to build a JSON tree of a given directory in C# using recursion
See the top 22 jobs that are most likely to be replace by A.I. in in the next 25 years. At the rate that AI evolves, we might see these jobs disappear sooner.
Read MoreTop 22 Jobs That A.I. Will Replace in the Future
Should you learn C# in 2023? Some of the reasons why you should include .NET MAUI Blazor, ASP.NET popularity, game development, Azure support and ease of use.
Read More5 Reasons Why You Should Learn C# in 2023
What is .NET Blazor? Should you learn it? In this post, I attempt to explain the hype around Blazor and I will give you 5 reasons why you need to learn Blazor.
Read More5 Reasons Why You Need to Learn .NET Blazor
This is a quick tip on how to send an HTTP PATCH request in C# and Blazor using HttpClient. I also show how to send the request via 3rd-party client.
Read MoreHow to Send a Http Patch Request in C#