The White House's claim that usage of unmanaged language like C/C++ is a national security concern is unfounded and outdated. Let me explain why.
Learn how to traverse a given directory path and its subdirectories in C#. Then, build a JSON string that represents the tree structure, and return that value.
See the top 22 jobs that are most likely to be replace by A.I. in in the next 25 years. At the rate that AI evolves, we might see these jobs disappear sooner.
Should you learn C# in 2023? Some of the reasons why you should include .NET MAUI Blazor, ASP.NET popularity, game development, Azure support and ease of use.
What is .NET Blazor? Should you learn it? In this post, I attempt to explain the hype around Blazor and I will give you 5 reasons why you need to learn Blazor.
This is a quick tip on how to send an HTTP PATCH request in C# and Blazor using HttpClient. I also show how to send the request via 3rd-party client.
This is a simple employee database management system Single-Page Application(SPA) in Blazor WebAssembly, that serves as a client app to a REST API.
Learn five ways of passing data between components in Blazor - route parameters, querystring, state container object, component and cascading parameters.
In the spirit of the 20th anniversary of .NET, I make a bold prediction - that C# will become the most popular programming language by 2035, and I explain why.
I present to you a word cloud of technologies mentioned by Nadella from Microsoft Build 2022 - key phrases and terms that you want to learn as a .NET developer.